Case Study: Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) Implementation


A) Project Background

1. Requirements Analysis :

  • The primary requirement was to implement and manage Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) for lab environments. This included creating user accounts, configuring permissions, and applying group policies to manage user access and system security.

2. Design and Concept :

  • The design involved setting up a structured ADDS environment with clear user roles and permissions. Group policies were designed to standardize user configurations and enhance security across the network.

3. Plan the Project :

  • The project was planned to include phases for account creation, policy implementation, and testing. A timeline was set to ensure each phase was completed efficiently, with checkpoints for reviewing progress.

4. Materials Procurement :

  • Materials included server hardware for ADDS, software tools for configuration and monitoring, and documentation tools to track user settings and permissions.

5. Boxes Production :

  • In this context, “boxes” refer to the conceptual framework of ADDS setup. This included creating user profiles, defining roles, and setting up the infrastructure for managing users.

6. Boxes Assembly :

  • The assembly involved configuring ADDS with user accounts, group policies, and permissions. This step ensured that all components of ADDS were properly integrated and functional.

B) Planning Concept and Software

1. Planning Concept :

  • The planning concept involved creating a structured ADDS environment with role-based access control, regular audits, and clear documentation of user settings and policies.

2. External Resources and Software :

  • External resources included AD management tools and audit software. These tools were used for configuring ADDS, monitoring user activity, and ensuring security compliance.

Project Scope Statement

A) Define Project Scope

External resources included AD management tools and audit software. These tools were used for configuring ADDS, monitoring user activity, and ensuring security compliance.

B) Project Assumptions and Constraints


Assumed that the ADDS setup would meet industry standards for security and functionality. Quality was ensured through careful configuration and regular audits.


Resources included hardware for the ADDS server, software tools for configuration, and IT staff for implementation and monitoring.


The scope was limited to ADDS setup and management within the lab environment, excluding other IT infrastructure tasks.


The project had a defined timeframe for each phase, with deadlines for completing user account setup, policy implementation, and testing.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

A) Decomposition

The work was decomposed into tasks such as user account creation, group policy configuration, and permission setting. Each task was further broken down into specific activities.


User Account Creation

  •  Setup User Profiles
  • Assign Permissions
  • Configure Group Memberships

Group Policy Configuration

  • Define Policies

  • Apply Policies to User Groups

Testing and Validation

  • Verify User Access

  • Conduct Security Audits

Project Schedule

A) Define Project Activities

Activities included user account setup, policy configuration, and testing of the ADDS environment.

B) Estimate Activities Duration

The duration for each activity was estimated based on complexity and required resources, with allowances for troubleshooting.

C) Schedule Activities

Sequence Activities

Activities were sequenced to first create user accounts, then configure policies, and finally test the setup.

Project Original Bar Chart

The original bar chart displayed planned start and end dates for each task.

Project Revised Bar Chart

The revised bar chart reflected any changes or delays encountered during the project, providing an updated timeline.

Resource Management Plan

A) Types of Resources

Resources included server hardware, software tools for AD management, and IT staff for implementation.

B) Quantities of Each Type of Resource

Quantities were determined based on the number of user accounts, policies to be configured, and the scale of the ADDS environment.

Charindu Neshmika

System Administrator

We've been There,
Done That.

All the tasks involved in this project are collaboratively done by Mr.Charindu Neshmika and Ms.Tharaka Liyanage.

Tharaka Liyanage

System Administrator